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The most rewarding part of being a Tri Delta is the genuine sisterhood that every girl is welcomed into. Our friendships and values sculpt our sisterhood into something monumental. Here at Tri Delta, we like to spend time together making memories, no matter where we are! These include our sisterhood retreats, trips to Disneyland, beach days in Newport, movie nights at the house, day trips to LA, going on hikes together, shopping days at Fashion Island, and more. This sisterhood is not just for college, it is for a lifetime!

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A Bond For Life

Big & Little

Big/Little is one of the most special and exciting experiences when joining a sorority! A big can be someone who you see as a big sister, a best friend, a mentor,The first weeks of being a new member are filled with finding your perfect big following a week of clues, gifts and treats from their soon-to-be big! On the final day of this week, you are invited to the Tri Delta house where we have our big/little reveal and you are introduced to your new family! 

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Living in the House

There is nothing more fun than living with Tri Delta sisters! Our House is located in the UC Irvine housing community Arroyo Vista. It is a close walk to Starbucks, school, the grocery store, the campus recreation center and other SFL housing! Living in the Tri Delta house is one of the most rewarding experiences while being in the chapter. Here is where everything Tri Delta related happens like chapter meeting, philanthropy events, big/little reveal and more! Not only do you enjoy the convinence of being at the center of all the action, you grow an irreplacable friendship with all of the other women in the house. Living in the house is one of the most unforgettable times you will have in the chapter that you will not want to miss! 


Being able to spend time with each other and grow our bond is something each and every one of us values. Our spring sisterhood retreat is an exciting weekend getaway we have every year. In the past we have been to places like Palm Springs, Malibu and Joshua Tree! Over the course of the weekend we have planned special games, activities and outings. Whether it be making friendship bracelets, hanging out by the pool, or enjoying a lunch together, retreat is an amazing way to get to know everyone a little bit better! 

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Deltas Only

Having everyone in Tri Delta together at the same time is always a fun time! One of the ways we get everyone together is during out Deltas Only sisterhood events! These events happen throughout the quarter and can range from being a rollerskating night to a self-care night or even a morning yoga class. Deltas Only is focused on spending time with each other in a not so serious setting! We love our sisterhood events and being able to take the time to grow our delta love for one another.